Movie Play, Script Writing Community
Movie Play is simple to understand: you can create a page for a movie script and then the internet community can write things to that script.
Start directly: You have an idea for a movie: To create a community page for your movie idea write a "working title" for your script into the search field, then search, a page will tell you that the page you searched does not exist of course, then click create page, read the text that appears. enter your idea and don't forget to save.
Movie Play is script writing on movie scripts where everybody can write something. By submitting an idea you admit that everybody can use it in every form. You are welcome as an author: Click Edit in the top right corner of any script and contribute your ideas. If you want to work more with this site read: How to use Movie Play. Keep copies of what you write also on your computer.
The Page:
Scriptwriting Community, Movie Play Home
All Scripts
How to use Movie Play
How to write a movie script
After saving whatever you wrote you will be asked to type "go" into a text field as a captcha and then save again. You give your ideas completely to the scriptwriters community here. In turn: Every script idea you see on this page is yours to use in any way and also sell the product you make from it.
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User contributions
- 00:33, 14 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5,515) . . N Tempat Liburan Medan Yang Jadi Hits Serta Instagramworthy (Created page with "Daerah Batik Semarang<br>Daerah liburan unik di Indonesia seterusnya ialah daerah batik Semarang. Mulanya, daerah batik Semarang ini berbentuk wilayah yang kurang terpelihara....") (current)
- 00:10, 14 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5,240) . . N 5 Tujuan Liburan Antik Yang Hanya Dapat Didapati Di Indonesia Telah Pernah (Created page with "Taman Nasional Komodo mencakup keseluruhan 29 pulau vulkanik tergolong 3 pulau inti Rinca, Padar dan Komodo. Taman ini sebagai rumah buat sekitaran 2.500 Naga Komodo serta fau...") (current)
- 23:58, 13 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5,268) . . N Tempat Tamasya Indonesia Yang Serupa Dengan Di Luar Negeri Lebih Bagus Mana (Created page with "5. M Bloc Ruang<br>Tempat kongkow M Bloc Ruang selalu membuka saat Lebaran 2021. Tetapi jam membuka sepanjang Hari Raya Idul Fitri dimulai dengan waktu 12.00-21.00 WIB. Di M B...") (current)
- 23:45, 13 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5,246) . . N 5 Lokasi Tamasya Unik Yang Hanya Dapat Didapati Di Indonesia Telah Pernah (Created page with "3. Kisah riil akulturasi budaya - Graha Maria Annai Velangkani<br>Mau melihat selekasnya membentuk fakta dari toleransi serta akulturasi budaya di kota Medan, silakan singgahi...") (current)
- 23:41, 13 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+667) . . m Tempat Liburan Terbaik Di Indonesia Yang Terkenal Cantik Serta Eksotik (current)
- 23:37, 13 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5,137) . . N Tempat Piknik Di Medan Dan Seputarnya Sesuai Buat Liburan (Created page with "4. Wilayah Piknik Sawah Pematang Johar<br>Masihlah ada di perbatasan kota Medan, Wisataindo - [ Https://] - kamu bisa menyambung perjala...") (current)
- 23:07, 13 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5,192) . . N 5 Surga Tamasya Alam Terpendam Di Indonesia Yang Bagus Sekali (Created page with "4. Candi Borobudur<br>Siapa sich yang tidak tahu Candi Borobudur? Candi sebagai kompleks candi Buddha paling besar di bumi ini sukses masuk ke deretan situs peninggalan dunia...")
- 22:46, 13 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5,205) . . N Tempat Rekreasi Di Indonesia Ini Harus Sekali Didatangi (Created page with "Macam ubur-ubur paling banyak yang hidup di situ yaitu ubur-ubur totol yang punyai warna bening dengan paduan kuning kecokelatan. Wisatawan bisa langsung mendapati mereka wakt...") (current)
- 22:15, 13 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5,226) . . N Tempat Tamasya Medan Yang Hits Dan Instagramworthy (Created page with "Daerah Sungai Kalilo Banyuwangi<br>Daerah liburan antik di Indonesia yang paling akhir ialah Daerah Sungai Kalilo Banyuwangi. Daerah yang berada ditepi Sungai Kalilo Banyuwang...") (current)
- 22:01, 13 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5,438) . . N Desa Wisata Privat Di Indonesia Versi Sandiaga Uno (Created page with "Phi Phi Island Thailand Kecantikan bawah laut Raja Ampat ini tidak dapat dikuatirkan kembali. Tempat ini jadi tempat menyelam dan snorkeling terhebat dalam dunia. Sejumlah 75...") (current)
- 22:00, 13 May 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+460) . . N User:AnnetteSanches (Created page with "I'm a 41 years old, married and work at the high school (Biological Sciences).<br>In my spare time I learn Spanish. I've been twicethere and look forward to returning anytime...") (current)