Movie Play, Script Writing Community

Movie Play is simple to understand: you can create a page for a movie script and then the internet community can write things to that script.

Start directly: You have an idea for a movie: To create a community page for your movie idea write a "working title" for your script into the search field, then search, a page will tell you that the page you searched does not exist of course, then click create page, read the text that appears. enter your idea and don't forget to save.

Movie Play is script writing on movie scripts where everybody can write something. By submitting an idea you admit that everybody can use it in every form. You are welcome as an author: Click Edit in the top right corner of any script and contribute your ideas. If you want to work more with this site read: How to use Movie Play. Keep copies of what you write also on your computer.

The Page:

Scriptwriting Community, Movie Play Home

All Scripts

How to use Movie Play

How to write a movie script

After saving whatever you wrote you will be asked to type "go" into a text field as a captcha and then save again. You give your ideas completely to the scriptwriters community here. In turn: Every script idea you see on this page is yours to use in any way and also sell the product you make from it.

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